Visit this page and read about the package:
Create a new Anaconda environment using these lines of code (from here):
conda create -c conda-forge --name arosics python=3
$ conda activate arosics
Install arosics using this line of code:
conda install -c conda-forge 'arosics>=1.3.0'
Run arosics (instructions here). Example: first,
arosics global -o OUTFILE -br 50 -bs 4 -progress 1 -v 1 -nodata 0 0 -match_gsd 1 REFERENCE_IMAGE INPUT_IMAGE
global specifies global, as opposed to local, coregistration routine
-o OUTFILE specifies the full path to the output file (e.g., /Users/dan.sousa/Desktop/outputfile)
-br 50 specifies the band number of the reference image to use (here, band 50 of AVIRISng)
-bs 4 specifies the band number of the new image to use (here, band 4 of Sentinel-2)
-progress 1 -v 1 specifies that progress written to the screen and the output be verbose
-nodata 0 0 specifies the "no data" values of both the reference and new image
-match_gsd 1 specifies that the output be matched to the grid of the reference image
REFERENCE_IMAGE specifies the full path to the reference image (e.g., (e.g., ~/Desktop/reference)
INPUT_IMAGE specifies the full path to the input file (e.g., ~/Desktop/inputfile)
and then,
arosics local -o OUTFILE -br 50 -bs 4 -progress 1 -v 1 -nodata 0 0 REFERENCE_IMAGE INPUT_IMAGE 50
local specifies local, as opposed to global, coregistration routine
-o OUTFILE specifies the full path to the output file (e.g., /Users/dan.sousa/Desktop/outputfile)
-br 50 specifies the band number of the reference image to use (here, band 50 of AVIRISng)
-bs 4 specifies the band number of the new image to use (here, band 4 of Sentinel-2)
-progress 1 -v 1 specifies that progress written to the screen and the output be verbose
-nodata 0 0 specifies the "no data" values of both the reference and new image
REFERENCE_IMAGE specifies the full path to the reference image (e.g., (e.g., ~/Desktop/reference)
INPUT_IMAGE specifies the full path to the input file (e.g., ~/Desktop/inputfile)
50 specifies the pixel spacing of the tie point grid