Preparing ISOFIT

  1. Download docker and install it:

  1. Download isofit and unzip it:

  1. In a terminal, navigate to the directory within which the unzipped folder resides and run:

docker build -t isofit isofit-master/

docker run --shm-size=2.33gb --name isofit_test -it isofit

  1. You are now in your Docker shell. Now run:

cd home/

git clone

cd isofit/

pip install --editable .

  1. You have now installed isofit. Now run:

pip uninstall ray

pip install ray==1.11.0

(or try version 1.8.5 -- suggestion of P. Brodrick)

pip uninstall tensorflow

pip install tensorflow==2.5

  1. You have now fixed the version issues w/ ray and tensorflow. Now run:

cd /home/

mkdir 6S

cd 6S/


tar -xvf 6sV2.1.tar

sed -i Makefile -e 's/FFLAGS.*/& -std=legacy/'


export SIXS_DIR=/home/6S/

  1. You have now compiled 6S. Now run:

cd ../

mkdir sRTMnet

cd sRTMnet/

wget -nv

unzip && rm

export EMULATOR_PATH=/home/sRTMnet/sRTMnet_v100

  1. You have now set up the sRTMnet emulator. Now run:

cd /home/isofit/examples/image_cube/

sh ./

  1. This code should download & unzip 2 test datasets, and then run ISOFIT on each. If these are working, ISOFIT should be setup successfully.

  1. Additional Notes

    1. If you have been debugging and have had a failed attempt at running ISOFIT, delete the entire output directory to which the code is pointing before trying a new run.

    2. Help installing GDAL: