Sedgwick Fire
Below: Comparison of 7/14 (left) versus 7/19 (right) Sentinel-2 images. Spectral change is minor. Possibly some fading of spectral signature of fire retardant.
Below: Spectral difference (true color, center ; false color SWIR/NIR/Vis, right) versus reflectance (false color, SWIR/NIR/Vis, left) from 7/14 to 7/19.
Areas of fire retardant are fading by becoming greener at visible waelengths
SWIR-bright areas are losing SWIR reflectance (reduced smoldering?)
many low albedo areas are brightening
many high albedo areas are darkening
greenest areas in west of image (outside fire scar) are reddening
BRDF effects are possible (7/4 and 7/14 were S2B ; 7/19 is S2A). Should be better constrained in 7/24 image.
Below: WorldView-2 quicklook. July 9th. 8-band VNIR multispectral. 2m native resolution, 0.5 m panchromatic. Data ordered.
Below: Sentinel-2 True Color (left) and SWIR/NIR/Visible False Color (right). July 14th.
Below: False color composite (SWIR/NIR/Vis) of (after - before) spectral change. Bright areas indicate high albedo ash and dark areas have low albedo ash and char.
Below: Before (7/4; left), During (7/9; center), and After (7/14; right) fire images from Sentinel-2. False color composite, SWIR/NIR/Vis.
Below: Reflectance spectra before (left) & after (right) fire projected onto the same (after fire) Principal Component basis. Change in scatterplot position implies burning.
Below: UMAP (NN = 50) achieves complete stastical separation of burned vs unburned pixel spectra.
Below: UMAP of stacked Sentinel-2 pixel spectra identifies statistically distinct burn trajectories.
Below: EMIT image from June 24, 2024. True color (left) and false color SWIR/NIR/Visible.
Below: Histograms of aerosol optical depth (AOD; unitless; yellow) and water vapor (cyan; g/cm2) for the full 6/24 EMIT scene (right) and Sedgwick subset (left):